Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Different Type of Air Conditiner

Air Conditioners are mainly use for cooling or heating purposes. The use of air conditioners is very essential nowadays. There are four major types of air conditioners available in industry such as follows.

 Window air conditioner
•    Split air conditioner
•    Packaged air conditioner
•    Central air conditioning system

We will discusss more abouth the type of air conditioners in Sri Lanka.

Split type Air Conditioner

Split type of air conditioner contains two units which mentioned as indoor unit and outdoor unit. This type of air conditioner is limit to cool only one to two rooms only

Central Air Conditioner

Central air conditioner are widely use to cooling larger areas such as hotels and big buildings. There are special and large system is maintained under this type of ac.

Window type air Conditioner

Window type air conditioners are the most commonly used air conditioner system in the world.

Packaged Type Air Conditioner

Packaged type of air conditioner is use to cool air where the cooling is required more than two rooms.

These are the four main type of air conditioners which used in all over the world.

Read more about comprehensive details of differnt type of air conditioner 


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